My first time at a 5 Star Hotel. Here is what happened!

Life at twenty-something!
3 min readMar 28, 2021

Great bed. Amazing bathroom. Perfect Coffee Counter. Not so ideal me.

Have you ever felt excited, comfortable, happy, sad, and scared at the same time because you have been challenged to do something outside of your comfort zone. Well, something like this happened to me recently! Staying at a hotel was one hell of a ride.

I was happy to be a part of this experience but with it comes the responsibility of keeping up with the oh-so put-together people around. You know how you just see these suited peeps talking in the lobbies, spending exactly 10 minutes on their perfectly brewed coffee. And I was so nervous I could not tell if I was served Filter Coffee or just a Cappucino.

Why do we have to feel this pressure? Aren’t we just supposed to enjoy the vibes? The perfect buffet, comfy bed, nice interiors, and free amenities. But somehow it just becomes about matching the stud descriptions and expectation of being an experienced visitor.

I was wearing my best dress, with my hair done nicely. I almost spent thirty minutes on getting that eyeliner right, which I usually don’t even wear for parties. After all that big bang, I was just trying to pretend. And the worst of all I did not have my belly full even though I had a lavish buffet with some lip-smacking desserts and bread in front of my eyes. Still can’t believe I did not have another pancake! :/

“Can I have a glass of water, can you pass that knife to me, I will just have a small bite of it…” yeah! This was me trying to fit in with the modest, sophisticated people who were seated in front of me. But what hit me was how easy it becomes to fit in, pretend to be knowing how to handle the heavy plates, and using that fork and knife. I knew nothing but pretending.

I was really intimidated by my surroundings and the big mirror in the washroom that zoomed into my flaws. But then something happened! A realization — what are the odds of meeting these people in my life, again?

I thought about this for hours while working from home, oops no — working from the hotel room! And, I promised myself to not be bothered about the look that the waiter gave me, or the eyebrows that we were raised from the opposite table. I am going to be me and enjoy every food item on the menu because food is why I am here, paying for the luxury! I am not going to dress like that female I saw in the elevator but me. I will try to be the best version of myself. And guess what!

It was not easy. It took a lot of courage and strength to step out of the room. It almost felt like I had the battle to fight which only I knew existed. I sure had second thoughts when I saw those influencers taking pictures in the garden from my window. But I chose to take a chance!

I am not this brave usually! But I guess I was lucky enough to trust my instinct and my so-called inner voice this time. Not only did I enjoy my hotel stay, but I also had the best dining experience and amazing conversations with the waiter who was serving us lunch and the receptionist who just like me was trying to be perfect!

You know sometimes you should just let yourself be vulnerable and figure it out. Maybe we all are living in a world inside our heads, and fighting battles within to just play pretend and be the perfect deserving 5-star guest. But truly all that we all want is to enjoy the experience and let the luxury sink in, in our own ways.

Have you ever felt the same? Have you even been in a situation like mine before? Do share it with me and others in the comments below so I and people like you don’t feel alone!

Thanks for reading. :)



Life at twenty-something!

Are words something you write? Or something you are? Hi, I am Shradha. I’m in my early 20’s, learning through the hustle and bustle of life experiences.